Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jezebel Sauce

Today at bible study we are studying Bad Girls of the Bible and I got Jezebel. There are not many redeeming qualities about the woman. She was nothing but trouble, that’s for sure!

Since leading these discussions aren’t my forte, I decided to make some Jezebel Sauce to serve on cream cheese and crackers in order to turn the focus away from the discussion and onto feeding our bellies.

Jezebel Sauce is easy to make!
It’s sweet, tangy, and has a bit of a zippy kick.

Combine the following:
2 10oz jars of pineapple preserves
2 10oz jars of apple jelly
2 oz dry mustard
5 oz horseradish
3 Tbsp coarse black pepper (I used 2 Tbsp regular ground pepper)

Refrigerate and let sit for 24 hours.
Serve on crackers and cream cheese, ham, or whatever you think will taste good!

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