Monday, November 24, 2008

My Weekend with Tim Waugh

(Hi Tim! I know you'll be reading this.)

We had the Area III Youth Festival in Richmond this past weekend. Tim Waugh was our clinician.

My school kids were pretty funny. They enjoyed Tim very much. They did say that they thought Tim was just some old guy until he turned around and they could see his pony tail. Then he became a cool old guy. LOL!

LLB came along with me just to ring under Tim's direction.

When I asked what she thought of the weekend, she told me that she would have liked the experience more if she could have had Tim Waugh be her teacher in a small group. (Yeah - and so would I...) She said there were too many people - you think 450 ringers is too many? - and that she would have liked to ask him some questions and even get closer to see better. She also told me she would have liked a little time to get to know him.

She enjoyed the way he made things fun and understandable - like that 5/4 - 6/8 sight reading piece. Tim showed us his thigh slapping, hand flipping, head nodding thing. She thought that even the kids back at school could understand that!

LLB is very slow to warm up to people.
Tim, you have made quite an impression and you have another HUGE fan!

Thanks for a great weekend!

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