Friday, March 06, 2015

And we're off...

Like a herd of turtles...

We are headed to VMI for our last Open House of the year. This is when we talk nervous parents of determined VMI bound kids off the edge and gently tell parents of procrastinators that they are virtually too late to the party.

It's fun to meet new people. Diplomacy is an art form, and we've perfected it. We've figured out how to tell parents that the VMI experience will be "hard" (ie: miserable, awful) for their kid the first year, but that it gets better (ie: they are rats no more). We can tell them that their kid will always find something to eat in Crozet (ie: the food is not your home cooking). We can tell them that their kid will not be an engineering major and play NCAA football or basketball because there just aren't enough hours in the day (ie: their kid isn't an athletic Einstein).

We enjoy promoting VMI while giving parents a real sense of what it's like to have a kid there. We can't tell them everything, because that wouldn't leave any surprises... and we can't have that!

We'll catch you all on the flip side!

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