Monday, November 05, 2007

First Place

#1 had his last band competition on Saturday at the US Naval Academy at Annapolis. We all went to see him and the other kids march.

We arrived early and went off to tour the campus with LLB and the Grandbugs. It was a chilly and windy day, but the campus is as gorgeous as ever. Yes, in case you were wondering, the children both still want to go there for college. LLB would have been happy to be left now and picked up in 9 years...

We got back to the field just in time to see the band take the field. They looked great! They sounded great! They were having fun - and after a long season it was really nice to see. The percussion kids were practically dancing! They all had big smiles on their faces... It was just fabulous!!

We left after their performance to get LLB back to her ballet rehearsal. To be honest, I never thought they'd actually win it (which is why I left). They are the state champs, but... really... this competition is HUGE!

#1 called me after the awards ceremony to tell me that they had won. I was so happy for them. Then he told me that they had been presented with the Esprit De Corps Award. That one means more to them than the first place trophy. Esprit De Corps is the one award that is given because they are a team - they work well together, they enjoy each other, and they are a really special bunch of kids. It's really nice to know that someone other than the parents recognized the magic this group has.

#1 and the other kids worked hard... it showed!

1 comment:

Lazy Daisy said...

Wow, what a great achievement. I know you are the proud mama.