Monday, July 09, 2007

No more film for me...

Mr. bought me a new digital camera. See that little number on the left? Yup, he bought me that one. Okay, so I chose it after much research. I'm trying it out today! Mr. and I are picking up the children at camp. The kids are putting on a musical based on the bible story in Ezekiel about the bones -- Them Dry Bones. I'll be snapping pictures left right and center. The children are going to be mortified at the number of pictures I can take. I'm not limited by the number of frames on a roll of film any.more... Just when they think I can't take more pictures... I'll snap some more! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

1 comment:

Lazy Daisy said...

You go girl....evil mom with camera...embarrassing photos to follow. Stop by and see my fun weekend with Melli. Miss you but gotcha prayed up for the day (I've had plenty of time lately!)