Saturday, July 08, 2006

Things That Make Me Go UGH!

Do you know what one of my pet peeves is?
You don't?
Let me tell you - I hate it when people say they are going to show up at a certain time or on a certain day to do a certain thing and then they don't. It just burns my bippie! If you aren't going to show up, then don't tell me that you are. Or, if something comes up and you can't make it, just call me and tell me - heck, send me an email!! Communication is the key with me.

My builder is terrific. His guys are sweet. They do a great job - when they are here.
The only thing I don't like about him is when he says something like, "I'm going to be here on Wednesday to build your deck" and he doesn't show up on Wednesday or Thursday or Friday. I find it very annoying, frustrating, disappointing...

My time is as valuable as his. I have learned over the last few months not to hang around and wait for him. I just go about my day. If he needs me, he can find me. It still makes me crazy when he says he's going to be here to do something - like build my deck - and he doesn't show.

The deck is becoming a real issue with me. I need my deck. I haven't had my deck since they took it down in February. I was used to having that space - you know for Mr. Bug to have his grill right off the kitchen to cook us the best bbq food, for dinner on a cool summer evening, for my tea on a beautiful summer morning, for the children to hang out on and read or play on a lovely warm summer afternoon...

I'm trying not to be selfish. I know there are other things that need to be done for other people, but come on...

My patience is waning. I want my deck back! And, I want him do to it when he says he's going to do it...

Okay... I'll just take the deck - ASAP.


Lazy Daisy said...

Hey girlfriend, I am so with you on that one. I hate waiting on "service people" especially when they say they will be there anywhere from 8am to 4pm.

Just D said...

Amen sistah! I'm sorry you are missing your deck though - we just have a concrete patio but I can't imagine the summer without it! BTW, I enjoyed your Friday Feast and the idea of a tea time social: what fun!

Crazy MomCat said...

Waiting from February until July is enough time to have a deck. You have been patient enough. Now, where is that builder? Lemme' at 'em!!!

Renee Nefe said...

I think that everyone has that same petpeeve...and builders tend to do that A LOT. I've heard they do this because they try to plan out their week but overschedule it...something comes up & runs over leaving their other customers high and dry.

I would call him up...every hour or so and say "Hi this is LBC and I want my deck back." over and over.
I'm sure he will ignore your messages but I think he'll get the hint and may just get the job done to get you off his back & voice mail. hee hee

MaR said...

Oh, I am so sorry, I know exactly what you mean...Hope you get your deck ASAP, not any later, on the day and time they tell you ... happy saturday :)

Unknown said...

I hate that, too!! When you say you're gonna do it! It's strange that you posted this because I was going to write a post about pet peeves today. Great minds think alike, huh? :)

Anonymous said...

You deserve to be selfish...5 months is lllllong enough!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

That is one of my biggest peeves ever. My husband is in the service business and he always and I mean always calls the customer. He is very good about that and he has had a lot of good feed back to his company about just that. He has made a good reputation from that and of course his work too. I think that is just plain bad manners. I am sorry you have had to put up with that..

Kelly said...

Oh yeah... you NEED your deck. It's summer for cryin' out loud. THAT is the perfect time to use it.

Hope you get it soon!

Katherine said...

You are not selfish at all! I would be majorly ticked off if they said they'd be there, didn't show, and then didn't even have the professional courtesy to give you a call. You could certainly say something to them in a nice way about how you waited around all day instead of running your errands, blah blah blah - lay a guilt trip on 'em!