Tuesday, July 20, 2010

If Technology...

Doesn't actually work the way it was intended, shouldn't we find a better way?

#1 has started his application to the US Naval Academy - chances are he won't get accepted as he is no athlete.  But he does have excellent grades, is a leader, and wants to serve his country. That's got to count for something, right?
He filled out the form online and chunked in his teacher's email addresses for recommendations.
His Math teacher filled out the form and clicked submit. She let us know that she had done her duty. We were very appreciative.
Fast forward 2 weeks.
Mr. was checking on #1's application status and it seems that the recommendation and his transcript AND his guidance counselor's input are all missing. We KNOW all of that was sent. We have proof. We sent a quick email to find out what happened.
It seems that the USNA doesn't have the stuff because maybe the teachers and the guidance counselor used "Internet Explorer" as their browser and the module they use doesn't work quite right with Explorer...
They are telling me that if the teacher used Explorer, the recommendation she typed won't submit?
Great. Thanks.
I emailed the teacher what they sent and I'm hoping she doesn't just throw her hands in the air and say forget it!
So much for paperless... give me back the old fashioned college apps - all paper all the time... done on a typewriter...

1 comment:

Renee Nefe said...

great... I hope they get it all figured out soon. HUGS