Today is a big day at The Crossing.
Little Ladybug is 11 today!
I can't believe that it has been 11 years since she hatched out. Time sure does fly.
Happy Birthday, Little Ladybug!
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Little LadyBug and I left here for NYC on Wednesday morning - early. We met the ballet teacher and 4 teenagers at the airport. Our flight was uneventful and everything went without a hitch. LLB and I were dropped off at American Girl Place in plenty of time to meet our friends. LLB was so excited to see hear dear friend, R!! We had lunch - delicious! We saw the show - absolutely terrific! We shopped!! LLB got a Josephina and 2 outfits. We had everything shipped home so that we wouldn't have to carry it all over NYC and home on the plane. I'm such a smart mommy! We left our friends at about 4:15pm and walked up 5th Ave. window shopping as we went. The clothes are gorgeous. We were supposed to meet the ballet teacher and the rest of the kids at Broadway Dance. When we finally got to the viewing area outside the classroom one of our teenagers was sitting outside the room. I asked her why she wasn't dancing. It seems the teacher asked her to leave. I was appalled! Then we watched 4 other students get asked to leave. That kind of left a bad taste in my mouth... Eventually 3 of our teenagers were watching the class with us - they said it was way too hard and that the teacher was gunning for them. We visited and chatted while we waited for the others. That night we saw Sourcing Stravinsky - a modern dance recital - at a small theater someplace. The show was terrific! The dancing was phenomenal. We were absolutely pooped and headed back to our apartment for bed. Thursday morning we had our first class at the Alvin Ailey Dance Center. What a beautiful facility!! The teacher was excellent and spent a lot of time with LLB. Technically, she was too young for that class, but we got special dispensation for her and she held her own quite well. She enjoyed herself immensely in that class!! The dancers in that class were absolutely terrific and they were all wonderful and sweet to my LLB and the other kids. That afternoon we headed back to Broadway Dance for a Jazz class. Again, I was not impressed and the kids couldn't wait for the class to end. They did learn a few things but when they got out of class they talked about the people in the class not what they had learned. A complete flip flop from the earlier Ailey experience. That evening we saw Avenue Q. If any of you have a chance to see it - spend the money and go! It is the funniest thing I have ever seen. We all loved it! It is not appropriate for young children. The language is a bit to be desired and there are a couple of other things that are inappropriate for younger viewers. I'd say it's PG 13. LLB loved it and would see it again, so those two things didn't bother her at all. Friday we went to Peridance for ballet. LLB enjoyed her class very much. Then it was off to China Town for shopping and lunch. LLB got a gorgeous silk jacket, a pair of $3 slippers, 2 sparkly barrettes, a pink NYC sweatshirt, and we even found a grey NYC t-shirt for #1 son. That night we saw the Lion King on Broadway. It was a very nice production. Excellent singing and dancing. The only thing we didn't like was that we were seated right under the air conditioner. We FROZE! We complained, but we were told that the rest of the theater was sweating. We offered to trade seats, but... A rainy rainy Saturday brought us back to Ailey. They all took Afro-Jazz. That was LLB's favorite class! We hit the bagel place for lunch and then LLB went to Ailey for Hip Hop while the others went to Broadway Dance for another class. LLB learned some cool moves and thoroughly enjoyed her class. The teacher was sweet and moved LLB to the front because she is so tiny. The teacher stopped me after the class and said that my LLB is a terrific kid and a real trooper. (That she was... she was 10yrs old in a class of grown-ups who have been taking the class since September!!) LLB is a fast learner and wow!! she did great! We had tickets for the 10:30 showing of Stomp! What a great great show. We were in the front row. It was phenomenal! The performers didn't say a word, but they were so expressive that you could tell exactly what they were saying... See Stomp! Sunday was our day to come home and LLB and I were definitely ready. We are country mice and we like our fresh air, green grass, and space. We hopped an earlier flight. It is fun to go away, but coming home is the best! LadyBug Links to other Monday Memories |
1. Get Miss Dottie to school for Pet Day. She really needs her nails clipped. Gee, if I have to hit the vet for that, I might as well take the cats in for their annual checkup, too... 2. Go to the orthodontist to get the Panorex and then get #1 Son to his oral surgeon consultation for his cyst. Then we have to hope that they can get it out on Monday or Tuesday before I leave. 3. Have the girls over for scrapbooking tomorrow evening. 4. Clean my house so that I can have the girls over for scrapbooking tomorrow evening. The children don't have school tomorrow. Maybe I'll recruit them to do this chore. I'm sure they won't want to do it, but the Easter Bunny is coming on Sunday. I wonder if they are going to want candy in their baskets... Extortion - it's a wonderful thing!! 5. Get the Newcomer's Directory to the printer. Yup, it's finished!! 6. Pick out bathroom and kitchen fixtures. 7. Pick out lighting. 8. Teach my handbell classes. Doesn't it figure that my spring break is this week and my kids' spring break is next week. 9. Figure out what I'm going to wear to the theatre every night while in NYC. I might have to purchase something black and wrinkle free. Lord knows I'm not going to iron while I'm in NYC!! Any ideas? Oh - and I've got to purchase some new underwear - I simply cannot go to NYC in these old bloomers! 10. Figure out what Little LadyBug is going to wear at the theatre while in NYC. She has a lovely pair of black velvet pants. I might have to find her a blouse or a top to go with those... 11. Balance my checkbook. (It's all fun and games around here - NOT!) 12. Pay the bills - I can't leave that until I get back. Besides, I need to know how much I can spend. 13. Pack the suitcases! Links to other Thursday Thirteens! |
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We traveled through Europe in a yellow VW Beetle with Massachusetts license plates one summer. I was 7. My cousin was about 12. My mother was pregnant - not cute pregnant... pregnant. (My dad must have been crazy to attempt a vacation such as this under these conditions...) Picture this in your mind: It is 1972. It is July. It is HOT! It is HUMID! Everyone is sticky. We were in Italy - Venice - We were in St. Mark's Square - to be exact. Venice is beautiful, but it is smelly. There are pidgeons everywhere...You see all the pictures of the pidgeons on TV... There are many many more in real life. Remember, it was really hot. My mother wasn't feeling her best, as you can only imagine... We had had to PAY to use a public toilet. The so called clerk in the bathroom tried to pull a fast one. My mother is a force not be reckoned with when she isn't pregnant - you should have seen her when she had a bowling ball for a tummy and a pea for a bladder... The clerk found that out... We finally got to use the toilet and it wasn't a toilet, it was a hole in the floor... Can you even imagine... When you gotta go.... We were trying to decide what to see next. We were standing by a tall column thingy in St. Mark's Square. A pidgeon pooped on my mother's head. It wasn't a little drip. It was a huge white smelly plop... The kind that smear your windshield. My cousin's eyes got enormous. I caught my breath... Dad was having a hard time not smirking. My cousin and I had a choice to make -- If we laughed, my mom could lose it and it wouldn't be pretty. If we didn't we'd surely die. We howled with laughter. Mom wasn't thrilled, but she made the best of it. She managed to hold it together. I will never forget how annoyed she was. She doesn't do birds on a good day. I think that may have been the last second we spent in Venice. NOW it is funny... THEN it wasn't funny... Well, I thought it was... and I still do! LadyBug Links to other Monday Memories |