LLB took this about an hour ago - our driveway is filled up with snow again... See the ladder leaning against the house... That's where our internet dish is... We climb up and brush the snow away - over and over again.

This will show you about how much snow we have... This is #1's 1990 Toyota Camry... It is buried. He is digging it out... one shovelful at a time...

This is the bar on our back deck... That's almost 3 feet of snow piled up on top of it. Just think - in a few very short months we'll be drinking fresh strawberry daiquiris and mimosas out there...
Oh my! I wouldn't even know what to do with so much snow! Stay warm!
sounds like it isn't even worth it to try to dig out yet. we usually wait until it quits unless we need to be somewhere and if it's that deep and still coming everything is closed so there's no point. I laugh at my neighbors who keep digging themselves out to go nowhere!
I can't wait for daiquiris & mimosa season! :D
stay warm!
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