Thursday, May 04, 2006

Thursday 13 - Already??

Thirteen Things LadyBug Is Thinking About

1. I have another big day planned! I'm off to MommaK's to help steam some absolutely "gorgeous" wallpaper off of her bathroom walls. I love to help my friends with things like this. It's an easy task and I get to chat while I work!!

2. The fireplace guy was here yesterday. I didn't even look to see what he did. That man has no personality at all. I'll take a look in a few minutes... It looks really nice...

3. Grambug will be happy to learn that her laundry area now has ceiling height cabinets above her washer and dryer and all along that wall. She will also be happy to learn that I - LadyBug - told the cabinet man that Grambug absolutely needed her counter in there and that I believed it could be done with the narrower upper cabinets instead of the wider base cabinets. The builder grinned and the cabinet man agreed. Grambug - you got your counter and your storage space!! :-)

4. I went to the plant sale at school yesterday and purchased 2 lovely pink hydrangeas. One is for Grambug for Mother's day. She's going to have to wait until she gets here to receive it. In the meantime, I will plant it in a safe place and hope for the best.

5. I'm still trying to find 30 minutes to repaint the front door. It looks really stupid without the knocker and that lousy Behr paint on it. FYI - use only Benjamin Moore paints, people. They cost more, but they cover and they look so much better.

6. My printer kicked the bucket. I am annoyed. 6 months ago, the magenta wouldn't print. Now it tells me that it is out of magenta and refuses to print in B&W.

7. I am on the prowl for a laser printer. Mr. Bug is looking for one for me today. I think the stress level was showing on my face and the grey hairs were popping out all over my head. Mr. Bug will have a solution today, I'm sure. The kicker is that I have an old but functional laserwriter in my attic, but the emac I use doesn't recognize it.

8. #1 Son has a project due on Friday. I have no printer. I told #1 Son that he needs to get his rear to the school library to print out his stuff. He also recognized the stress level and agreed without a fuss.

9. My handbell classes are almost done for the year. I have 3 rehearsals, 2 concerts, and one graduation to get through. No pressure.... no stress...

10. My Director of Music agreed to let the two handbell directors go to a Director's Seminar in September. I guess I'm being rehired next year. :-)

11. My hip is really bothering me today. I wonder if the weather is going to change or if I'm just getting really old really fast. I think I'll sprinkle some ibuprofen on my cinnamon toast this morning.

12. Little LadyBug took Marmalade outside with her over the weekend. He was such a happy cat! They ran around, they chased butterflies, they sat in the dirt together, they chatted... it was really cute!

13. I have to remember to plant Mr. Bug's tomato plants that I purchased for him yesterday. I am planting them in containers for him. (You all remember the black thumb I have...) I just hope they survive until the deck goes up... I'll post pictures for you all once I get them planted...

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Anonymous said...

It will only take you 30 minutes to paint the door? Wow....that's amazing. I'm sure it'd take me all day.

My T T is published

Lazy Daisy said...

What an amazing lady bug you are! My TT is up too.

Susan said...

Interesting are BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!! My TT is up!!

Unknown said...

Yep. I gotta plant some tomatoes for the Mr. myself!

Jane said...

I hope you get it all done, dear girl. I also hope you get that printer so your stress level goes down!!!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me some tomatoes from your plant. I have a plaid thumb and can't even keep silk plants alive!!!!!

My T13 is up.

Anonymous said...

From the time she was 2 yrs. old, LadyBug was a genius at "spacial relationships"...she never even tried to fit a square peg in a round hole! So, no surprise to me that she figured out how the cabinet installer "could" fit both the counter and the cabinets in that laundry sweat:-) Thanks LB!
Love, Grambug

Carmen said...

You are painting queen!

Just Nancy said...

What a nice glimpse into your life. You sound busy, but a good kind of busy!

My TT is up, too.

Undercover Angel said...

Wow! Are you ever busy! My TT is up.

Courtney said...

Wow, sounds like you have been really busy! Don't forget to take a break :)

Kelly said...

I was looking at the picture of your house and it is gorgeous!!!!
Your certainly are busy.
And btw:
I bought EIGHT hydrangea plants the other day.
They are all in my backyard now.

Natsthename said...

Have fun helping MommaK!!!

Katherine said...

Enough!! You are waaaaaaaaaay too busy.

Just D said...

oh man! why can't you come over here and help me with all my wall paper? I have a lovely plaid in the dining room that I can't wait to get rid of and a shiny AND flocked floral in Chicks room! Lady bug, where are you??

Kimberly said...

Thank you , thank you , thank you!!!! My eyes also thank you.

For the record, Ladybug is a wallpaper removal professional. Seriously.

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