I had to take the boy out of school for about an hour. You would have thought that I was the meanest mother on the planet. He was so angry with me because he was missing school. He was going to miss Civics and part of Band. Don't most kids want to get out of school? The child has a 99% average in Civics and a 100% average in Band. The Civics teacher even told him not to worry about missing her class since they were just making posters or something stupid like that.
When we arrived at the orthodontist's office, #1 Son told the receptionist that he was in a hurry because he had to get back to class. Needless to say, she was impressed and wanted to take him home with her. She proceeded to tell me that when Mr. Bug and #1 Son were in earlier in the week for the consultation, #1 Son was doing his homework. She said my sweet boy was one terrific kid. Yup, I know...
We thought he was going to get a whole set of heavy metal, but he only got 2 brackets and a head gear. He has to wear this torture device - umm, I mean appliance - for 16 hours a day. He does NOT have to wear it to school. Thank heaven for small miracles! It seems that he wil get more metal next time. Fortunately for me, that appointment is on a Saturday.
I dropped #1 Son off at school about 5 minutes earlier than expected. Did he stop at the office to get a pass? Did he sign himself in? Nope... That's my job. He ran to his locker and then bolted for class. The office ladies really don't know what to make of my over-achiever. I don't think there are too many like him in middle schools across the country...
After school, I asked him if he had survived the rest of the day after the trauma of missing Civics and Band. He smiled. "Yeah, Mom." It appears that life is good -- The Band teacher was out - his wife is having a baby. The Civics teacher excused him from the assignment. Does life in 7th grade get any better than that?
Wow, what a great boy! What does he want to be when he grows up? Engineer? I'm sure he'll end up making lots of money to support his mom in style whatever he does. :)
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