Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wordless Wednesday




Katherine said...

OK, I have no clue, but from your "ugh" I'm thinking this is a very bad thing. sorry!

Melli said...

Uh-ohhhh! Costly mishap!

Lazy Daisy said...

Wow, somebodies bite is off! My WW is up. I'm back in the daisy patch.

Just Nancy said...

Someone broke his/her retainer. What a mess. My brother dumped his in the garbage in the school cafeteria once and a nice cafeteria lady dug through the garbage to find it for him!

My WW is up, too.

Frances D said...

Interesting I never would have guessed a retainer. Looked like silver colored leaves to me. Thanks for sharing. Frances

YellowRose said...

Uh oh...........that's not good!!

My WW is up!

Unknown said...

Oh boy! Not good news. Happy WW to you. :)

Unknown said...

I guess a retainer is better than a tooth! My first WW is up at

Shionge said...

Oops indeed!

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