Friday, November 13, 2009

Ring my bell...

I'm off to the discoveRing bell  festival in Richmond. Stop by and say hi if you're there. I'm the one with the camera - in case you need to find me.

My school bells will be there. My kids are excited, somewhat prepared, and ready for a fun weekend.  I can only hope that the other teacher (who I did not recommend to be hired) actually shows up and takes responsibility for the kids. Because I'm working the event on the other side, I cannot "be the teacher".  There's obviously more to the story, but since I'm supposed to be all sweetness and light over here, I won't get into it. I am worried - very worried.

My own children are headed to their final Marching Band Competition in Allentown this weekend. I'm heartbroken that I can't see them march and take their pictures.  Alas, the other parents will have to step up and do it for me.  Mr. is going to be with them, but the camera will be with me...  I have my cell phone charged so they can tell me how they are doing, how they placed, and any other little tidbit they want to share. I hate not being there with them.

So - if you need me, I'll be back tomorrow.

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