Water goes in and water goes out… that’s how it is supposed to work. Last week the “goes into” wasn’t right… so we ended up with a new well pump. Yep… not looking forward to that bill.
While they were here, they thought my “goes out of” was fine. Somehow in the back of my mind, I knew something was “off”. Note: always trust your gut. Well, fast forward to party preparations on Saturday morning… and the toilet wasn’t “going out” like it should. As a matter of fact, it was going out in the guest room shower. This, my friends, is not a good thing. Thus, party canceled. You cannot tell your guests to “find a tree”.
Today, the sweetest drain cleaner on the planet - Monica - arrived and fixed the “goes out of”! She checked everything. The septic is good. The drain lines are clear. Please note, if you stay over, you’ll be asked to double or triple flush to ensure that your “goes out of” exits all the way from the far end of the house to the septic tank. You’ll be asked to take long showers, brush your teeth for as long as you need to with the water running, and to wash your hands for a full minute or more. It’s a long run from one end of the house to another and with no laundry running over there, there’s not a whole lot to push your “goes out of” out of the pipes.
Just when you think you’re all set, you’re not. We needed to clean the shower… and we discovered no hot water over there on the far side. The plumber has been notified and I am assured that we will have hot water by the time #1 and Yellow Rose arrive for their visit on Thursday.
You remember the mouse from a few posts back? Yeah… well we caught the rest of his family… and the duct cleaner is arriving on Wednesday. One cannot be breathing mouse poo remnants!
Oh, and one more thing. The chlorine feeder lid had a part blow off during Ida’s visit… new lid ordered and replaced. That was a cheap fix - $18.
We have also had to deal with 5 fallen trees in the last 4 weeks. We cut them up enough to get them out of the way. Once it cools down, those trees will become firewood - which we always need, but really? At this point, we could use a little break.
It’s been a very busy, rough, poop filled, and expensive couple of weeks. Let’s hope this is the last of the “disasters” for a while.