Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Senior Moments

I've been wanting to write about all my senior moments, but I have too many. I just don't know which moment to choose. Just when I think I might have the perfect moment to tell you about, I forget what I was going to say.

Yesterday morning I was getting ready for my Jazzercise class. I got dressed. I got my water bottle. I put the library books in the car - I needed to drop them off before my fine was so high that I was going to need a second mortgage to pay it. I basicallly had my act together and I wasn't late. Hmmm... This was too good to be true.

You all remember that I live far from everything. My Jazzercise class is no exception. It is a 20 min. trip (providing I don't run into any cops while I'm flying down the highway.)

I was about 8 min. away from the house when I thought to myself, "Boy my feet sure are comfortable."
Then I remembered!
O.M.G.!! I still have my slippers on my feet! I am an idiot!!
I can't jump in slippers! I can't even go to the grocery store in slippers!!!
I turned around and went home to change into my tennies...
The tennies I tripped over on my way out the door...
I did go to Jazz. I was late.
Why did I go to Jazz after that fiasco? 3 words: Girl Scout Cookies.



Katherine said...

That is so funny! I'm picturing you driving along and then looking down, swear swear swear. I've actually done that but recovered before the car left the garage. What kind of girl scout cookies did you get? My favorite are Thin Mints!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Well at least there are other people out there with Senior moments. Remember when you wanted "TO BE" a Senior and now you wish you would never be one again? Well welcome to it!! I completely understand believe me. I just had a birthday and forgetting is something that happens to me ALL of the time!! Funny though!!