Saturday, February 24, 2007

Plan? What Plan?

Did you ever plan out a Saturday and then find out that your plan is not going to work?

I had planned to take the children to their Jazz lesson, then continue on to town and have #1 fitted for his tux. While #1 was getting fitted, I was going to look for a ball gown for LLB. After that, I had planned on a quick stop at the local Wmart for a couple stupid things.

You know what I'm doing now?
I'm dropping the children at Jazz and continuing on to town by myself. I'm stopping in at the local Wmart to pick up my couple stupid things and a gift card. If I have time, I'm stopping at the formalwear shop to see if they have any clearance gowns for LLB. (I'm umm... frugal, remember?). I'll run back to Jazz to get the cherubs. On the way home, I'll drop #1 at his friend's house for a birthday party. I'll bring LLB home, she'll eat and change. I'll drive her to her friend's house for the afternoon.

Do you see a tux fitting in there anywhere? No... Me neither... I'll have to do that this week - before Wednesday. Why before Wednesday? The coupon expires on Wednesday. (I told you I was frugal... okay cheap!)


Jane said...

Happy hunting!!!

Susan said...

I'm frugal too. This made me think of Linda over at 2nd Cup of Coffee. This week she posted a gown she got for $1 last year...brand new. I love it when things come along like this.

Hope you have much success with the search.

:-) Susan

craziequeen said...

ok Missee Bug, ante-up.....why is #1 not getting his tux today?

Did he get a better offer?


Clearlykels said...

Oh wow-- you know, I did some awesome shopping this weekend. The only problem is that I did not mean to. Ooops. I went in for a friend's b'day present and left with a few *cough* 8 *cough* things for me. They were having a SALE-- everything was $8.99-- $50 skirts $8.99. You get the picture.