Sunday, August 13, 2006

Mr. Bug and the Giant Peach

#1 Son has a summer job picking peaches and corn at a local farm on the weekends. It's hard work and he's realized the benefits of good grades and a college education. Mr. Bug goes up to the farm and volunteers his time while #1 Son is there. I try to get up there and volunteer for an hour or so with LLB. She and I only pick peaches. The corn picking is hot hard work and we don't have the hand strength anyway. (Phew!!!)

Yesterday was no exception. We were up there picking peaches - it was a gorgeous day and you could see forever - the view up there is spectacular! The peaches are to die for! They are as big as your hand and wonderfully sweet and juicy. They have 4 different varieties - all wonderful! You can go up there and pick your own if you are looking for a day trip to No. VA. They have vegetables and flowers you can pick as well. It's just a terrific place!! (Those of you who live close and want to visit, email me and I'll send you directions!)

Anyway, Mr. Bug picked a giant peach!
It must weigh a pound! It is a perfect peach... It is simply gorgeous!
When is he going to eat it? Probably today - for a snack. I'll be sad to see it go, but I'd rather see it get eaten than watch it rot.


Renee Nefe said...

nice peaches! I'm not sure if we get them to grow here in CO...might be too dry.

Cherries do well here though and apples too.

Melzie said...

wow-- that is a picture perfect peach!!! :)

Samantha said...

I'm not sure I've seen a peach that perfect and pretty here in the peach state (georgia) LOL

Lazy Daisy said...

Wow, bet those Georgia Peaches would be jealous! Good for your son, that is really hard work. I'm sure he will appreciate his education even more after this work experience.