Mr. Bug was out mowing the lawn and I heard what sounded like a large stick being caught in the blade. I thought something like, "Oh - that didn't sound good..." It wasn't a stick. It was a boulder hidden in the not-so-short grass.
Mr. Bug came in shortly thereafter with his lawnmower blade. It's not supposed to have a 90 degree angle in it... He's a pro! He changed the blade lickety split and he's out there finishing up!

Glad you had another blade and the first one didn't come flying off! Those machines are so scary... I used to be part owner of a lawn mowing service...but I didn't work on the machines at all...just pushed the mowers and trimed the shrubs.
My past lives are coming back to haunt me....
ack! I'm glad he didn't get hurt when it happened. Iv'e heard of some nasty lawn mower stories!
What fun!! I dont think we will have to mow again here. Our grass seems to never be green here. That is one thing about Georgia at least here in the deep South East. It is never a real pretty green like yours or like back in Illinois. It is usually a light green dead kinda of brown color. My hubby does not care if it does not need mowing..I can understand that!! Glad you hubby was not hurt...
That must have been some rock!
That is NOT a sound you want to hear when someone is mowing the yard! But it's a good thing Mr. Bug is able to fix things.
Have a great day.
Wow, so glad no one was hurt!
nothing makes my heart go pitter patter more than seeing a man on a lawn mower - well, only if it's MY man pushing OUR mower on OUR Lawn... as if that would ever happen! I get frightened of lawn mower accidents too, glad mr bug is safe.
LOL! My hubby did the same thing-- on our last cut of our old house, the day before we moved. Was such a sad day, but he killed our mower- not just the blade.
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