Well - I survived the weekend!
The kids and parents all had a marvelous time at the AGEHR Area III Handbell Festival in Richmond. They rang their little hands off, made some friends, and experienced one of the best conductors I've ever seen. The parents settled down and the kids were just terrific!
Will I do it next year? Of course I will...
LLB attended the festival with me (even though she doesn't go to school with those kids). This morning my sweet LLB - as she sat like an exhausted lump in front of her waffle - said, "I just love ringing handbells." Now that, my friends, is why I do all this... That one little sentence makes it all worth while...
That's so wonderful to hear! I'm glad you had a great time with everyone and especially LLB.
I'm glad it was a success! :) I would love to have gone and cheered you on! And LLB-- so sweet, especially from your baby :)
Awww....so glad it went well even if you did ring your little hands off. Stay well.
Glad to hear it all went well! LLB is too sweet - they always say something to make it all worth all of the effort don't they?
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