Monday, November 06, 2006

The Ladybug is Out

Ladybug caught something nasty...

Ladybug will be back sometime later this week...

I'll be reading when I can.


Jane said...

Poor baby. You know, it was probably because "the lovely ladies laughing" luncheon did not include me!!!!
Drink plenty of hot tea and eat some chicken soup...and sleep!
You are in my prayers Ladybug!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better Ladybug! My entire family came down with something about 2 weeks ago and we are still recovering! REST!

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon!! ((hugs))

Katherine said...

Ack, so sorry to hear it. Feel better soon. I hear chocolate helps. :)

Melanie said...

Oh no! Feel better soon!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

OH NO...I hope it was not from me..babes...because I feel horrible! I have a very very bad cold!! I need to lay down I feel so bad. I can hardly breathe and my head feels about as big as this room. We got home today about noon.
I had the best time. You should have seen what we did at Daisy's house!! It was just more fun that you can imagine. My stomach muscles were so sore from too much laughing...Take care and tell the kids to let you rest. xox Sandy

Renee Nefe said...

Oh No! Feel better soon.

MaR said...

oh, no! get well asap :)

Just D said...

here is some hot soup and some tea with lemon... and a heating pad, some tylenol, and a dark quiet room... feel better soon lil bug!

Lazy Daisy said...

So sorry you have a nasty bug. Hugs and prayers that it passes quickly. Come by for the extended version of our weekend.

Anonymous said...

Get well Ladybug with a bug! Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness-- I hope you are so feeling better! Being sick is so not fun at all.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get to feeling better real soon!!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Lady Bug...I am feeling better today. I do not have strept though. I always know when that is happening. I just had the flu this time around. I had just got over being really sick..almost pneumonia. I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so awful. Just take care and do what the doctor orders..MOMS advice. Sandy