My BIL and his girl arrived on Monday night. They had a smooth and uneventful drive from the Great White North and found our house - no sweat.
Yesterday morning LLB and I went to the private school where I work for a handbell concert. The kids did a terrific job. Unfortunately, everyone talked through their performance because they were "the prelude". The kids were pretty miffed and I really didn't blame them. I told them that they performed beautifully and it really didn't matter because the important people - their parents and grandparents - listened. I took off to drop LLB at her school and then returned to clean up the 1000 lbs of equipment.
When I was finished, I met up with Mr. Bug and the rest of the crew. We went to a "local" pub for lunch. (Mr. Bug had a gift certificate burning a hole in his pocket.) We sat right next to a toasty warm fire. To start, we had some fried calamare and a seafood newburgh soup that was to die for. I moved from the soup right into a lobster club - that was yummy, too. I skipped the dessert but the rest of them had a lovely chocolate cake that LLB would have killed for.
After lunch we went home - I was stuffed and ready for an afternoon on the couch with Dr. Phil. Mr. Bug mentioned that the gutters had leaves in them and that they really needed to be done this weekend. I thought we'd do them on Friday after our guests left. Alas, they decided to help us clean out the gutters right then. It was a gorgeous day and they wanted to move around. Mr. Bug doesn't do heights, so he was thrilled to get some help. I've reserved the guest room for them for this same week next year. (The only payment they require is a warm bed and decent food. We can do that, huh Grambug?)
Today we are hanging close to home -- I think -- Things change at a moment's notice around here. Tomorrow we are off to the Smithsonian. Yes, I know that tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and we should be home stuffing ourselves silly, but we aren't that kind of family. We are going to get some DC touring done along with a little learnin' before we eat. We will come home and stuff ourselves full of Beer Can Chicken and stuffing.
So, I'll leave you with a picture of my sweet LLB ringing handbells at the festival...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving - In case I don't get to post tomorrow...
Are you kidding? For gutter cleaning we serve gourmet right out of the Epicurious Cookbook!!!
That is a thankless, slimy chore and desreves only the very best! Set up the reservation post haste!
No cancellations allowed :-)
LLB..great job at the festival
I have always wondered about the Beer Can Chicken...I've heard about it, but never tried it.
Loved your post...and what GREAT guests you have!! Have a happy Thanksgiving. (My WW is up,too).
Happy Thanksgiving to you! I am glad I have never had to do the gutter cleaning but I imagine that will be a new chore we have to learn when we get our new house! My WW is up!k
Sounds like you have been a busy ladybug! I think the Smithsonian sounds like fun. I would love to do that.
The picture of LLB is adorable, she has beautiful hair. I am sure she is just as adorable from the other side.
Just in case you don't read it on my site, I told you to go ahead and steal from me, with my blessing!!
Beer Can Chicken is wonderful! Especially if you use a really good brew and cook it slow on the grill.
LLB looks like she's really concentrating on her parts! Glad you guys enjoyed the concert. Children's concerts are especially wonderful. William was in handchime choir in our last church, and really enjoyed it.
WW: Princess Cake
Stepping out on a politically incorrect limb
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