Monday, February 15, 2021

Presidents Day

 On this day we remember and think about the presidents who gave so much for the American people - Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Eisenhower, Reagan, Trump. (And we try to forget, for a brief moment, the nightmare that is the nation under Biden right now.) 

A holiday for government, but not the rest of the hard working people in America. Mr is off to work today.  That’s fine - I need a few groceries before the next snow storm that’s due in this week. I have laundry, vacuuming, and dusting to do as well as some other housework. I am still wondering why I bother to clean since the dust comes back almost instantly with the wood stove going... I’m trying to keep up with the dust in hopes that the spring clean won’t be as bad once we turn off the stove for the summer. Dust, like laundry, is forever! 🙄

This week in my transition to eating normal food, I drop a fueling and add in one slice of bread or a whole grain cereal and another serving of protein. I see a veggie omelet and a piece of whole wheat toast on my dinner plate tonight! Yumm! 

We continue to wait on the Diocese to give us word that our choice for our next priest is acceptable to them. Do they not understand that we need a full time minister? Do they not understand that we need one as soon as yesterday? Ugh! I’m sick of being told what I can and cannot do when I know what is best for me and mine. 

I think a cup of tea and a little crochet are in order before I start my day. I need to ease into Monday... 

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