Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wordless Wednesday and Results

A friend emailed me this and I thought it was hysterical. If you don't think it's funny - so sorry...

The winner of The Devil is Crazy MomCat! Sorry, Grambug, I'll get you a copy from the library...


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Oh I simply adore Maxine because she says it LIKE IT IS!!
We are so upset here at our house because of losing LUCY!! She is the sweetest most loveable cat!! I know how much you love yours!! You would just LOVE LUCY!! I am making posters now!! Please pray for her. I know that God loves her too..Sandy

marylou said... her. She says what we all sometimes wanted..or wished we'd said. Best part she lightens your day with laughter. Gotta love that girl!!

Anonymous said...

That is SOOOOO FUNNY!!!! I laughed out loud at work when I read it.

My WW is up, too.

:-) Susan

Jane said...

I love Maxine. She tells it like it is.

Anonymous said...


Renee Nefe said...

I laughed out loud too. That's what I felt like yesterday actually. I had a killer headache and took some drugs and went to sleep. I'm feeling no pain this am, but a little bit groggy. Hopefully I'll be ungroggy soon.

Glad to see The Devil has a new home.

Just D said...

I'll have to use that line... thanks Maxine! Have a nice day LB!

Crazy MomCat said...

Hehehehehe! I'll have to remember that one!

Thanks for the book!

Lazy Daisy said...

A comma sounds kind of nice right now! I love Maxine and even have the bunny slippers to match. Hope you are back at 100% now.

Anonymous said...

I can understand that! I love Maxine! I wanna be her when I grow up! My WW is up!

Michelle @ Faith, Family & Friends

Melzie said...

love it!!! :) Really, but I love almost all Maxine says. :)

MaR said...

SHE is hysterical, loved it!!!!