Saturday, December 02, 2006

It's Saturday...

I'm still walking for comments. Yesterday I had 11, but I walked for 30 minutes.

Well, it's Saturday, but it might as well be Monday. My day is full full full!

I have a hair appointment at 8:30 - okay, so I only go every 8 or 9 weeks, but it's on the calendar, so it counts.

I have the handbell performance outside at the bank at lunch time. Think Mr. Bug will treat us to burgers after?

The kids have to be at the dance studio for their Nutcracker rehearsal at 2. We pick them up at 5. While they are there, I have to get the rest of the decoration boxes and haul them to the attic. While I'm up there, I should see what stuff the Grandbugs left up there and haul it down for them. I'd also like to change all the beds and - oh yeah, I forgot.. I have to move the bed and the rug from the guest room to the Grandbugs' master suite. (Ladybug just wrinkled her nose.) Mr. Bug and I can run that up this afternoon. It shouldn't take but a minute or two or 20.

I need to vaccuum and dust over here. I'll assign that to #1 Son to do tomorrow afternoon (he's very good at that) while LLB finishes decorating her mini tree that resides in our family room. Once that's finished, I'll put those boxes up in the attic with the others.

Oh.. my desk... I should clean that up, too.
I hate it when it looks like this! Let me see... The measuring tape is here because I have a bunch of stuff out on Ebay and people keep asking me for measurements and I didn't put the tape away when I was done. My recipe book is on top because I just sent Katherine my pizelle recipe - that will go back in a second. There is a stack of music I need to go through, envelopes I need to put away, and a ton of kid stuff that isn't even mine - how come this stuff is on MY desk?? To the left I have directions to all the places Grambug and I are going to go while she is here - including the IKEA store - I loooove that store. I haven't been to the one here, yet, but I can fix that! I have a couple of bills in there, but they aren't due until the end of Dec. I have a book I need to read and get back to its owner. Maybe I'll just send that back unread... Think they have cliff notes for Penrod? Hey, I just found some pointe shoe elastics... That's interesting... Oh, look a ruler! I'm going to finish digging out... Catch you all tomorrow!


craziequeen said...

Do burgers help with the 'walking for comments' thing?

I prefer the sound of 'burgers for comments', Missee Bug!!



Just D said...

oh yes! Burgers for comments! That's one heck of a deal! If I walked for comments, I'd walk an average of 2 minutes a day - not very helpful for walking, but just right for Burgers! Is this the final move for Grambugs? Did they sell their house?

Unknown said...

Good morning. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you.

Melli said...

LB! LB! LB! (woot woot) You GO girl! Adding extra minutes all on your own! Way to BE! Sounds like you DO have a busy busy day today ... I loooooove IKEA! Have fun!

Veronika said...

No, Craziequeen
It's not 'Burgers for comments'! Don't be giving her any bad ideas now-
Good idea to delegate the chores, Lady bug! It's overwhelming to do it all yourself.
Now go enjoy being pampered at the hair place today-

Renee Nefe said...

great walking... I keep driving by our walking path thinking that I should be out there... but Lilly is such a terror on a leash and I don't like to walk alone. *sigh*

I should clean my office too...might be able to find all the Christmas presents I've hidden. LOL

and I should be working on my Christmas cards instead of blogging. so much to do.

Unknown said...

Hi Ladybug! How was the handbells concert?

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Hey Ladybug...busy as usual I see!! We had a garage sale today and am I glad it is over with. I always say Not another one and guess what I do another one again!! I made enough for some software that I need so that was my goal. Have a great weekend with all you have planned. Sandy

David Edward said...

cheetos for comments
I will eat three cheetos for every comment from now til the bag runs out!

Unknown said...

Keep going!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ladybug,

I'm here to cheer you on....good luck with the exercising. This is such a fun idea. Barb sent me...

Best Wishes,