Sunday, December 03, 2006


The handbell performance went great. The kids are very funny, though. I brought 2 octaves of bells and 2 octaves of chimes. 12 kids showed up on time and one was late. I set out the bells and doubled a few parts on the chimes because outside, the sound goes where the wind blows and usually it blows behind you.

Anyway, the kids were playing their easy carols and simply having fun. One of them says, "Mrs. Ladybug, can we play Twas In The Moon?"
I reply, "I don't have all the bells."
"Oh, Mrs. L, pleeeeaaaase. It's our favorite."
I sigh in defeat. "Okay - get it out."
I turn to the audience and tell them that we don't have all the bells and we don't have all the kids, but they really want to play it. (It didn't matter that they hadn't played it for two weeks...) Then they wanted to play Wizards in Winter - that piece that was done by the Transiberian Orchestra. Again, we don't have all the bells and we don't have all the kids. Who am I? The teacher? I let them play whatever they wanted... They did great.

I met my friend K at the church. We decorated the advent wreath with my fake greens and added some real greens - right off the big pine in our yard for scent. We put holly in some vases and POOF! The church is ready for services today.

Mr. Bug and I got the bed moved. You know what I learned from that experience? Some of us are spacial and some of us are special. We are still speaking, we aren't divorced, and we will never move that bed again.

We did a few other chores around the house and then took off to get the kids from their Nutcracker rehearsal by 5. They got realeased after 6. We were supposed to go get #1 Son some new tennies, but we just went to dinner and went home. The kids were fried - they had been at the studio all afternoon. Mr. Bug and I were fried - we were at the studio for an hour. (As we age, we are limited in the time we can stand to be around chaos.) We got Mr. Bug to spring for burgers at our favorite burger joint, though. My friend R and her two cherubs, the Handsome Prince and the Dancing Princess, joined us. It was nice to sit and chat over burgers and wings...

Today, I'm off to ring handbells at a fellow teacher's church. I am accompanying the hymns. No biggie. Then, since that church is close to Target - I'm going over there. I'm on the prowl for 2 battery operated candles with sensors. I'm not asking too much, am I?

I'm still walking for comments. I said I wanted to lose my 10 lbs., but I didn't say I was going to stop eating the good stuff. Yesterday I walked my requisite minutes - Zebbie loves a good long walk. Keep 'em coming!!


Katherine said...

You are such a nice teacher! I hope they appreciate you. :)

Unknown said...

You should have more Blogger comments, Haloscan has much more.

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard handbells in so them, though really love them.

I hate moving furniture...but I am glad to know that all is well in your house even after this experience.

Have a GREAT week...and get out and WALK!!

;-) Susan

Unknown said...

I hope the weather is good for walking!

Anonymous said...

Yay that all went well. There is a handbell concert on Sunday- and I am so hoping to go. :) It's with a choir also, we'll see though....

Unknown said...

Hi LadyBug - Here's another minute for you.

Renee Nefe said...

more minutes and shareing pictures fefyfomanna: Trying to get the perfect family photo...

if it weren't so cold I should be walking Lilly...but when the temp is below 45, I don't go out.

Unknown said...

Here's another minute of walking for you LBC!

Veronika said...

I'll never stop eating the good stuff either!
Happy walking, LBC