Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Last week we got an announcement from the school that our high school band was being lauded by the school board for their success at the USMC Invitational at Annapolis where they took first place and got the Esprit de Corps Award.

The kids were told that this was a command performance and that they would be receiving an award. So, they all showed up on a Monday night. (Most of them have after school activities and a ton of homework - just so you know that these are the brightest and the best.)

They put their uniforms on.
They lined up alphabetically.
They marched through the hall and waited patiently and quietly in the back of the room.
The School Board head guy calls the Band Director forward.
He gives a lovely little speech and hands the BD a paper award. (NOT in a frame)
Then he calls the kids over individually and makes them stand in front of the crowd.
They are not given an award.
They are not given a piece of paper.
We took pictures.
We clapped.
The kids were dismissed.
We all left.

What a waste of time...

#1 left the house at 6:30 am and did not arrive home until 8pm.
He still had homework to do.
I know it was important for the kids to be there, but really...
A piece of paper for each of them would have been nice.

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